
i can't help but love this.

This is a drawing by my friend Joyce Rice who lives in Chicago. I subscribe to her doodle blog, Teeny Robots, and you should too because a couple of times a week she posts hilarious drawings and paintings such as these. The dear husband and I think this drawing is so funny that it is currently the background on our computer. Go Extreme Brobots! And not only is Joyce a talented artist, but she is an awesome seamstress and has a great Etsy shop. Go Joyce, go!

I am at home and am extremely sick. Not fun. My crafting-to-sell has been put on hold until after the bambino arrives and then I have a whole arsenal of ideas to get cracking on. In the meantime, I have an awesome stack of Michael Miller fabric waiting to be made into crib sheets and changing pad covers and I splurged and ordered two pieces of fabric from Fabric.com which will be sewn into a carseat cover and a baby carrier. 
I am the most excited about turning the afore-pictured "Castle Peeps" fabric by Lizzy House into this awesome Mei Tai carrier that I bought the pattern for from Sew Liberated. Three cheers for baby sewing projects!

But until the sewing can begin, I need this head cold from hell to clear up so I can vacate the nest I have created on our couch and start being a real person again. 

Oh and by the way, our holidays out here in Boise were fabulous and I hope all of yours were as well! I really need to get into a better habit of blogging...